Saturday, 1 November 2014



bismillah. okay just because exam is around the conner. so i want to share tips how to achieve your study goals . here we go.

Study Tip #1

Understand your study topics in your own words: Your teacher or lecturer can explain something to you, you can learn it from a text book, your friends can study with you, even your own notes can explain it to you but all these explanations are of little use if, by the end, you can’t explain what you have learned to yourself. If you don’t understand a study concept that you need to illustrate in an exam to get top exam results, then you won’t be happy with your end exam result. To combat this, get into the habit of explaining whatever it is you are studying, in your own words, so you understand your study notes. The key to help improve your memory is to understand what you’ve learned when you are studying it. So don’t just memorise and tick off the list – make sure you understand your theory.

Study Tip #2

Don’t be afraid to ask study questions: Of course, depending on what you’re studying, it may be quite difficult to get into a position to understand a concept,theory or other information you need to learn. This is where it is invaluable to ask questions of your teachers, lecturers or other educators. Don’t be afraid of asking a ‘stupid’ question – there really is no such thing when it comes to study and learning! Embrace your curiosity, for as William Arthur Ward said: “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” Doing so will allow you to fill in the blanks and better prepare you for exams.

Study Tip #3

Quiz yourself: Once you feel you understand a concept or a topic, it is important to test yourself on it. Try and replicate exam conditions as much as possible: turn your phone off, don’t talk, time yourself etc. You can set yourself a study quiz or practice exam questions and, so long as you approach it with the right mindset, you can get a very good idea of how much you know. You gain a greater insight into where you stand in relation to what you’ve studied so far. Also, it will give you some much need exam preparation, making the actual exam a more comfortable experience. Flashcards are ideal for boosting your memory and help you recall theory, definitions and key dates – these are great for quick study sessions, especially straight before an exam.

Study Tip #4

Get Creative with online study tools: Don’t feel obliged to just sit in front of a book with a highlighter; there are many different ways to study. You should pick whatever works for you. Try using as many study tools and techniques as possible to help you study better and find what works best for you. Perfect examples of such study tools would be online flashcards, mind maps, mnemonics, online study planners, video and audio resources. Login to your ExamTime account now to access your free online study tools; mind maps, flashcards, study quizzes and practice exam answers and bring your study notes with you wherever you are.

Study Tip #5

Set your study goals and create a flexible study plan: In order to achieve exam success you need to know what you want to achieve. That’s why it is extremely important to set your Study Goals now and outline to yourself what you need to do. With your study goals in mind and your end of year exams weeks and months away it makes sense to have a flexible study plan as opposed to a rigid one. The closer you get to your exams the more concrete your study plan should be, but at this point it should be porous. It should be broad enough to allow you to add and change aspects but concise enough so you know you’re covering each subject/topic as best you can at this point.

so, get practice and goodluck for final examination . loves :)



bismillah .

today i want to share about my happines with my liltle sister, my good friend of mine.

as always, when we meet up together, there a lot of thing we do. laughing till cry, selfie till the memory out and going out till midnight. haha

meet angah, and fizin. liltle sister and big brother . 
spend time together before angah got fly bact to sabah

this time when we were sending angah to airport . shes study in Sabah. take care sister. 



bismillah, firstly thanks to God for all this kind and good thing happen to my life. and also thanks and alhamdulillah for sending me a good friends, good listener and good adviser :)

meet my bestfriend named Qhairun Najah Razali. Was born in August 30 1992. Live in Kuala Nerang. Graduated from Politeknik Seberang Perai in Diploma in Islamic banking and further study in UUM in Bachelor in Economic. hehe, till diploma adn degree we still together and insyaallah forever as a good friend . she also my partner in crime and in business . we go through a lot of trouble and fever , eh eh kidding . hehehe, till now, we build our friendship till now for 8 years. going out together, play together, eat together, laugh and crazy together. haha

yeah i knoe she pretty one. but shh, already being booked. haha

here some video we trying to make donut selfie !! yeah donut selfie

“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” ― Albert Camus

glamvendur festival and PR



alright, today i want to talk about one event that i and my partner had join few week ago . its called glamvendur festival.

this event especially for those who do the online shop and also offline shop. this event were held at Dewan Mahsuri Taman Siswa . almost 60 shop had join the program .

firstly, im super duper excited, early in the morning, woke up and get shower and ready for the event. the event were start at 10 pm but we decide to go early for preparation. so here my side .

sorry for the mess behind. haha

this is my first time joining the program. quite okay eventhought not many people came by to the event. but this is what we called experience right? how to do PR with people around, how to attend customer, how to extend our name to people. 

for me, many of online seller doesnt know how to PR with their customer ( include me ) so this is the chance we can learn and change. Or maybe there is a top famous online shop that doesnt take care of people feeling. emm, please remember without buyer, we cant sell our product.

so here im gonna give some tips of PR ::

1. Be ready. First and foremost, you need to be prepared. If your product is not the best version of itself, you won’t get any good product reviews, no reporter will cover you and you will most likely experience backlash and negative press. And believe us, there is such thing as bad press. So, make sure you are completely ready before employing any PR strategies.

2. Establish your identity. Before you can tell the world who you are, make sure you know how to answer that question. To establish your identity, ask yourself: What are our values? What exactly is our company culture? What makes us different from our competitors? Are we doing something that no one else is doing? What makes us uniquely us? It’s important to define those answers and incorporate your identity, values and culture in every aspect of your startup. If you aren’t sure, ask those around you for help. Make a spreadsheet of the answers and rate which responses are the same. If there are too many different answers there is an issue. Fix it before telling your story.
3. Share your story. Learning to communicate a great story is an integral part of PR. After you’ve established your identity, you need to work on creating a narrative, or your startups story. If you want to stand out in the eyes of the press, investors and your target demographic, you must have a great story to share about who you are and how you got started. It will not only help you connect to your audience, but it will also make it hard for them to forget you. Incorporate this narrative in social media, in your messaging, during interviews and any other opportunity to talk about your startup. And a big key factor, use your company name in each narrative. Many people talk in superlatives instead of facts. Every sentence shared should be a soundbyte for media.

4. Make sure there is CEO visibility. Your CEO or founder is your mouthpiece that plays an instrumental role in shaping your company’s image, brand and culture. Therefore he or she needs to be accessible and visible to the public. This means they must have a presence on social media, a positive relationship with the press and the ability to share your story flawlessly. Not only will their visibility create credibility and leadership in your industry, but it will also get them in front of the right people to help expand the business.
5.Don’t ignore social media. Establishing your brand and staying above the fray is all encompassing, time consuming and a lot of hard work. However, don’t forget the importance of creating a social-media strategy that represents your brand, your values and culture. In fact, you need to create an engaging social-media plan from the beginning to grow your presence. A good execution strategy for social media will allow you to establish your identity and credibility in your industry, share your story and position your CEO as a thought leader and pioneer. You need to dedicate time to directly engage with your followers, answer questions, share information and include them in the conversation.
6. Hire if you need help. Launching a startup is difficult and implementing strong PR strategies when you are just getting your foot off the ground can be challenging. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone, you can hire a professional. That said, you need to make sure they are a great match for your business and are excited about your plans. A good PR firm will help you establish a strong identity, effectively communicate your story to the right people, create thought leadership opportunities for your CEO and establish an engaging social-media program. They will build your brand, help you stand out, increase your visibility and get you in front of decision makers.
ha, practice make perfect right? hehe. so here im share some of the picture at the festival. not so many, i dont have time to take a lot of pic ( sad )

keep support us yeah, yang mana tak follow, pi follow tau @fashionclip



okay harini nak share sikit pasai amalan-amalan yang boleh buat pada hari jumaat yang mulia penghulu segala hari .

HARI JUMAAT LAGI HEBAT DARI HARI RAYA. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, Sesungguhnya hari Jumaaat adalah penghulu segala hari dan hari yang paling besar di sisi Allah. Iaitu hari yang lebih besar daripada hari raya Adha dan hari raya Fitrah, pada hari Jumaat itu terdapat lima kejadian iaitu hari yang dijadikan Adam alaihissalam dan Baginda di turunkan daripada syurga ke muka bumi, dan pada hari itu juga wafatnya Adam a.s, dan Allah mengurniakan satu saat di mana doa-doa dikabulkan kecuali doa-doa maksiat, dan hari Jumaat juga akan terjadinya hari Kiamat. (HR. Ibnu Majah)
AMALAN PERTAMA: Memotong Kuku. Sebelum menunaikan fardu Jumaat, kita disunatkan mandi walaupun waktu solat telah hampir. Disunatkan juga mencukur kepala, memotong kuku, memendekkan misai, memakai wangi-wangian dan mengenakan pakaian yang sebaik-baiknya. Ibnu Masud berkata, “Sesiapa yang memotong kuku pada hari Jumaat, Allah akan menyembuhkannya daripada penyakit dan memberikannya keselamatan.”
AMALAN KEDUA: Membaca Surah Ali-Imran. Sabda Nabi s.a.w. yangb bermaksud: “Sesiapa yang membaca surah Ali Imran pada hari Jumaat, maka Allah dan malaikat mendo’akan kebaikan ke atasnya sehingga matahari terbenam pada hari itu.”
AMALAN KETIGA. Membaca Surah Al-Kahfi. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang diriwayatkan oleh Abi Said Al-Khudri yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa membaca surah Al-Kahfi pada hari Jumaat, Allah menerangi hidupnya antara dua Jumaat.”
AMALAN KEEMPAT. Mengucapkan Selawat Ke atas Nabi s.a.w. Berselawat sekali ke atas Nabi, Allah Taala memberi rahmat 10 kali ganda. Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bersabda yang bermaksid: “Perbanyakkanlah membaca selawat padaku pada malam dan hari Jumaat, maka siapa yang membaca selawat untukku satu kali, Allah akan berselawat kepadanya 10 kali (Allah akan memberinya rahmat 10 kali)”.(HR.Al-Baihaqi) Allah Taala juga ada berfirman dalam Al-Quran yang bermaksud : “Sesungguhnya Allah Taala dan para malaikat telah berselawat ke atas Nabi. Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, ucapkanlah selawat dan salam yang sempurna ke atasnya (Nabi)”. (QS.Al-Ahzab:56)
AMALAN KELIMA. Membaca Yassin. Sesiapa membaca surah Yassin pada malam Jumaat, Allah mengampunkan dosa kecil yang dilakukan, demikian menurut hadis Rasulullah yang diriwayatkan oleh Abi Hurairah
AMALAN KEENAM. Mandi Sunat Jumaat. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang diriwayatkan oleh Abdullah Ibn Abi Khatadah, bermaksud: “Sesiapa yang mandi pada hari Jumaat seolah-olah dirinya bersih hingga Jumaat akan datang.” Dan sebuah hadith daripada Ibnu Umar bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda maksudnya: Jika seseorang antara kalian mendatangi solat Jumaat, maka hendaklah mandi dulu. (Muttafaq alaih)
Manakala sebuah lagi hadith yang menerangkan tentang mandi sunat hari Jumaat adalah sebuah hadith daripada Samurah, diriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bersabda: Sesiapa yang berwuduk pada Jumaat, maka dengan keringanan itu, bolehlah dilakukan tanpa mandi tetapi mandi itu adalah lebih utama. (HR.Imam Abu Daud dan Tarmidzi).
AMALAN KETUJUH. Solat Jumaat. Mereka yang mendirikan solat Jumaat antara satu Jumaat ke satu Jumaat berikutnya, maka Allah mengkifaratkan atau mengelakkan dia daripada terbabit dosa besar. Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa hadir solat Jumaat pada saat pertama, dia umpama berkorban seekor unta. Sesiapa hadir solat Jumaat pada saat kedua, dia seperti berkorban seekor lembu. Barang siapa yang menghadiri solat Jumaat pada saat yang ketiga, dia seperti berkorban seekor kibas. Sesiapa hadir solat Jumaat pada saat keempat, dia seperti memberi hadiah seekor ibu ayam, dan sesiapa hadir solat pada saat kelima, dia seolah-olah memberi hadiah sebiji telur. Apabila imam naik ke mimbar, malaikat menutup buku catatannya dan ikut mendengar khutbah. Justeru, sesiapa yang datang untuk solat selepas itu seolah-olah dia hanya datang untuk solat semata-mata, tidak direkodkan dalam buku kehadiran malaikat.”
AMALAN KELAPAN. Berdoa Bersungguh-sungguh. Majoriti ulama’ berpendapat bahawa makbulnya do’a yang dibaca di antara dua khutbah, iaitu ketika imam sedang duduk antara khutbah pertama dan khutbah kedua. Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauzi mengatakan: Di antara sekian banyak pendapat ada dua yang paling kuat, sebagaimana ditunjukkan dalam banyak hadis yang sahih, pertama saat duduknya khatib sampai selesainya solat. Kedua, sesudah Asar. Pada hari itu terdapat suatu masa di mana seorang hamba Mukmin apabila meminta (berdo’a) kepada Allah sesuatu kebaikan melainkan Allah memakbulkan do’anya atau ia meminta Allah melindunginya daripada sesuatu kejahatan melainkan Allah melindunginya daripada kejahatan. (HR.At-Tirmidzi).
AMALAN KESEMBILAN. Banyakkan Bersedekah. Sedekah pada hari itu lebih utama dibanding sedekah pada hari-hari lainnya. Ibnu Qayyim berkata: Sedekah pada hari itu lebih utama dengan sedekah pada enam hari lainnya seumpama di sedekah pada bulan Ramadhan dibanding bulan-bulan lainnya. Hadis dari Kaâab menjelaskan: Dan Sedekah pada hari itu lebih mulia dibanding hari-hari selainnya.
ha tak susah kan. insyaallah boleh . sama sama kita perbaiki diri ye :)

life at UUM

assalamualaikum. bismillah

okay today i want to tell you about my life at UUM. ha, this is my second semester here.

so far im living here, im still in good condition. haha, not crazy yet. problem? takda sapa yang takda problem kan. hehe

okay introduce you my roomate for about 2 semester here, Nuridayu binti Tamin. she was from pahang, stay at Felda Keratong and fanatic about ball. Yes right ! ball . Her favourite player for international is Pirlo ( seriously i dont know which team he play, sorry ayu ) for Malaysia of course team Pahang . such soft spoken girl and suit for her name ayu.

at first semester, me, my roomate ayu, my bestfriend najah and my other friend adawiyah attending dinner that made by our DPP, haha, so funny when four of us like busy to preparing ourself to go too the dinner. makeup and so on. here is some of our picture.
 from left, adawiyah, me, ayu and najah 

then we also go to picnic at Puncak Janings. with my politeknik friend which is aliya, atira, me and najah. so much fun . okay, here the best place to visit. just 30 minits from UUM

there so many thing to be story. sampai esok tak habis tau . haha. okay bye :)


assalamualaikum. haiiii everyone

okay, ive been asking a lots of question about my uni. why UUM? why are you choosing UUM? is there no other uni u can choose? UUM best or not?

haha such a lot kind of question like that. hmm let me tell ya.

firstly as my post before. i tell that since i was child, i keep my dream to step into UUM and futher my study here. ha? why? maybe at that time, this Uni is the only one that nearest to my house.

secondly, Universiti Utara Malaysia is known as eminent management university. as i heard a lot from others that UUM produce a good quality student and of course in management . as im taking diploma in Islamic Banking. so im just decide to futher my degree life here. eventhough its take 4 years long, but nevermind. as there such a words said. "tuntutlah ilmu sampai ke negeri China" and im believe 4 years is not that too long . besides, my father and mother alway support me. and im taking bachelor in Finance. quite hard, but i will improve myself.

thirdly, im so in live with the nature here. so peaceful and so cozy. if you not believing, just came here and feel it . hahaha . okay let me show you some of sceneries in uum.

ha, am i right . the best port for taking picture. haha for those who likely to selfie . same goes to me. 

okay, is that answer your question? he. okay for those that want to further study in UUM, u can directly go to this link and searching about intake for new student. beside UPU, there are another intake in February. just for limited person. so why just try right? 

p/s : sini ada kuda, nak ride pon boleh, take care 

Life Isnt Easy As We Thought :)

Bismillah . hi everyone

as promise. today i want to tell about my business. yeah my online business . we started it since 2013

at first, when we want to start our online business that we named it as SahabatShawl. why? just because we as a partner, friend, sibling who building together this kind of business. its kind hard to gain a trustee and follower and buyer. at the one point, we nearly decide to close up our online shop. ' bilamana dah down, cemtu la jadinya'

but then, i just thinking, why should we stop at the middle in our road. and im keep pushing myself and my partner to thinking out of the box to make our product different but yet comfortable and how to promote our onlineshop to be more known. opps, almost forget here is me and my partner. mimi and najah

okay continue, and Alhamdulillah. day by day we gain a lot of customers and follower. People are likely to believe us and keep buying our product. After a few month, we decide to change our name. because not only hijab, but we also selling clothes and appereal. haha, takkan nak letak nama shawl lagi kan . so we decide to named it STELLASORIESSHOP . fuhh such a long name. 

in a few month, we make another product. why not we try it right? mana tahu rezeki. out off blue, Alhamdulillah our product named AMARA SHAWL are in demand. we serve our customer in about 70 colours to choose . ha so many right , 

ha both of these la example of AMARA SHAWL
ended curve . made from chiffon

after that when we take seiously in business we decide to register our organization at SSM ( suruhanjaya syarikat malaysia ) if not mistaken la. hehe, guest what? we cannot register it under stellasoriesshop name. PATHETIC!!! and lastly we register it by using FashionClip By Qnm ( stand for qhairun n mimi )

and now, we still in learning process. how to being succesfull in our business and being like Fareeda. satu malaysia tau beb! hehe, pray for us okay. 

one more, takda benda susah dan takda benda senang dalam dunia ni. nak lebih kena usaha. standart sangat masa nak mula tu merangkak, melungjuq. lama lama insyaallah kita akan berdiri dengan gahnya. tapi yang pasti jangan lupa orang bawah kita dan jaga bebaik hubungan dengan pelanggan. tanpa pelanggan seller ni nothing tau :) peace


assets of my life.


is one of my assets of life. without them im feel nothing and unmotivated.

i have a lovely parents and also 3 siblings which is 2 brother and im the yougest one. Although now i am an adult , but I frequently being bullied by both my brother :( but no worries. that makes me happy much.

one happy family, haha if not mistaken, this picture was taken on eid 2010. so long ago. haha, i dont have the latest one just because we are to busy to snap a picture together. haha. p/s : that another women in this picture is my sister in law. later i will talk about her. haha

my father and my mother was a worker at Kilang Gula Sdn. Bhd but now they are pension and spend their life at home. im so lucky too have them as my parents. Eventhough my family are not rich, but we live in simplicity and comfort.

my eldest brother which is Muhammad Hafizi got married on Jun 2010 with my lovely sister inlaw Zah Abu Bakar. Their theme for wedding is green, and guest what? almost all of my house being so green. from curtain, wall, decoration and etc.

okay , i dont have the green one. but this pic are from my sister inlaw reception :p

after a year, my brother and sister blessed with a son named Muhammad Haikal Hamdani. my first nephew!!

Muhammad Haikal Hamdani

then at march 2014, Alhamdulillah. again my brother and my sister was again blessed with another one son named Muhammad Haziq Hamdani

Muhammad Haziq Hamdani

and this the latest pic when they were together.

my second brother, Muhammad Hazwan . Graduated from Politeknik Sultan Abdul Halim Shah and now being working with my uncle . His loves music and in his room full with guitar. Another one of his favourite is repairing motorcycle or change it from zero to hero . he

hoyeah, this is my second brother. as you can see behind him a lot of guitar. seriously sometime ive been thingking that when he play a guitar? or he just keep it as a display? haha. okay kidding. he such a good player and im salute him.

tadaa, here im talking about his passion. repairing or making an inovation towards old motorcycle. ha, see the orange one. Before it was my father , he use to round village and it is honda bulat . but now, my brother has change it into the new and milenium motorcycle. and im so into it cause it creative and pretty much!! hehe.

and then the last one is me :) my passion is business. just before i got into UUM, i and my partner decide to make a business. and lastly we decide to make a hijab. yes we made it by ourself . ha dont worry, on the next post i will tell more about my business. stay tuned.

thanks lovely and handsome who willingly to drop by at my blog.

Lots Of Loves

the story

bismillah . assalamualaikum

so how are you readers? hehe . okay i just wanna talk a little bit about myself.

my name norsyamimi ibrahim and i was 22 years old ( offficially at 7 february 2014 ) haha, not too young but not too old :p

im from KEDAH, yes!!!! im kedahan and im proud of it.

im the youngest sibling and of course im the one who very spoiled between my brother. haha, i have two brother named Hafizi and also Hazwan. a lovely beautiful mother named Noraini Abu Bakar and my handsome father named Ibrahim Bakar.

im graduated my diploma at Politeknik Seberang Perai and now im continue my degree at Universiti Utara Malaysia. since i was child, i always put a dream to futher my studies at UUM. And yeah, its become reality . It feel so calm, universiti that far away from the town, calm, and have so many natural place.